Saturday, January 10, 2015


Welcome to Get Fast Slowly!

You've come to the right place if you want to watch me, a former fat guy turned middle of the pack runner, document his journey from mediocre to well, better than mediocre?

So yeah, I used to be a fat guy who blogged. The blog is now defunct, but it had a pretty good following and really held  me accountable to my goals. I loved writing stream of conscious posts, but not researching articles, formatting posts, searching for the right images, citing those images and all the other mundane tasks that go along with writing a decent blog.

I thought to myself that if I could get back to the things about blogging that made me happy and found something new to write about that maybe I could give this blogging thing another shot. We'll see what comes out of it.

Why Get Fast Slowly, you ask? It's simple really: 

I've been running for about 5 years now. In the beginning, when I was still fat, I ran on the treadmill... in the dark...after my family went to bed—I didn't want anyone to see how slow or fat I was. Running was a way for me to burn calories and get skinnier, but I didn't enjoy it.

 But after a few months I started to get better. The weight continued to come off. I ventured outside for some runs and even ran a race or two. I was starting to enjoy this running stuff. One race led to another...10K led to a 1/2 marathon which led to a marathon and finally to where I am ultra marathoner. I've even run 48 miles in one day—from one side of The Grand Canyon to the other, AND BACK!

But after years of running, I've come to a crossroads. I'm no longer getting much faster and I'm constantly dealing with these minor, annoying injuries that make running hurt again. I want to get back to running pain free. I want to see speed gains again. I want to run my way out of mediocrity and see how far and how fast I can go.

So I read some books and did some research. There are 100's of ways to get faster. Just go check out the bookshelf at your local running store. I even tried a few of them before I settled on my current plan—The Maffetone Method.

This blog is going to be lots of things:

  • Training Log
  • Diary
  • Running Philosophy
  • Mechanics
  • Race Reports
  • Goals and Failures
I'm not sure how good it will be, or even how readable. But it's good to be learning again. It's good to be running well again. It's good to be back online. This is Mac from Get Fit Slowly. Follow me as I learn to Get Fast Slowly in the coming years.